find location by phone number

Find Location by Phone Number

With MLocator, users can type in phone number and find location seamlessly. Whether you need to find a cell phone, a beloved person or an address, MLocator can search its location within seconds.

ssl encryption icon 100% confidential icon
Locate any iPhone or Android phone regardless of the operator, brand or model by entering a phone number in the international format.

How to Find Location Using Phone Number?

  • icon-input a phone number

    Input A Phone Number

    Input a phone number you wish to locate in the search box.

  • icon-find location from phone number

    Track Location Using Phone Number

    MLocator tracks the person or a cellphone's location using associated phone number.

  • icon-secure payment

    Secure Payment

    Pay for the service by credit card to view the result location.

  • icon-receive location

    Receive Precise Location

    The map will show the location and other data, and the results will be sent to your email concurrently.

An Instant and Precise Method to Track Location Using Phone Number

  • 01/4

    Type in Phone Number and Find Location Online

    MLocator makes it easy to find phone location using phone number. Simply type in the phone number, and find its location anywhere in the world. Users can enjoy keeping track of their friends and family members with the utmost discretion. Whenever you're worried about your kids, relatives, or friends' whereabouts, MLocator offers the perfect tool to track and find their location by phone number in real time.
    Type in Phone Number and Find Location Online
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    Track Location of Various Mobile Devices Using Phone Number

    When seeking the perfect tool to find my device location by phone number, MLocator is the answer. It requires no installation or configuration on the target device. MLocator is compatible with various mobile devices such as phones, smartwatches, and tablets. As long as that device has an active SIM card, users can pinpoint the geolocation of the SIM card on the map.
    Track Location of Various Mobile Devices Using Phone Number
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    Find Current Location by Phone Number in the Philippines

    Thanks to MLocator's approach, it's safe, legal, and secure to find the current location by phone number in the Philippines. This platform leverages advanced GPS tracking services, cell towers, and Wi-Fi triangulation to determine accurate location. It also works effectively, even when signals are weak or unavailable.
    Find Current Location by Phone Number in the Philippines
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    Find People's Location & Address by Phone Number

    When it comes to finding your friend's or other people's location by phone number, MLocator is the ideal platform. It does not require previous access to your friend's phone. With just their phone number, this tracker looks up that person's address. It can identify various addresses such as residential addresses, work addresses, school addresses, and more. Leverage the superb platform that makes finding any person during emergencies, a breeze.
    Find People's Location & Address by Phone Number
  • icon-worldwide location tracking

    Precise Location Tracking

    More than just GPS tracking, MLocator's robust tracking features offer a clearer picture of the target device's whereabouts within a defined radius with a margin error of 3 meters.
  • icon-full time support

    Accurate Geographical Data

    Access definitive geo-location data in real-time, with the combined powers of GPS, Wi-Fi, and cell tower data to pinpoint the target device's location with exceptional accuracy.
  • icon-confidential location process

    Full-Time Support & Accessibility

    Our dedicated customer support team are available round the clock to address any concerns. Leverage a superb solution that ensures you have unparalleled accessibility, whenever you need them.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I type in a phone number and find location for free?

While MLocator does not offer a free trial, it's a reasonably priced tool for locating your loved ones. Free trials often come with restrictions, and free apps may have questionable data security practices. Hence, subscribing to MLocator offers access to a premium and effective phone tracking solution where you know exactly what you're paying for.


How to find people's location by phone number?


How to trace a phone number in the Philippines?


How to find address with phone number?


Can I find a phone without its phone number?


Is it legal to track someone's location by typing in their phone number?

Locate a mobile phone
try it now
Do you want to know the location of your mobile phone or that of someone close to you? Our mobile geolocation system is legal, secure, and works with all phones.