find location by phone number

Find Location by Phone Number

Type in phone number and find location of a mobile device, a lost/stolen phone, a family member and more. With MLocator, you can find the location instantly and precisely.

ssl encryption icon 100% confidential icon
Locate any iPhone or Android phone regardless of the operator, brand or model by entering a phone number in the international format.

How to Find Someone's Location by Phone Number

  • icon-input a phone number

    Input A Phone Number

    Input the phone number linked to the target device in the search box.

  • icon-find location from phone number

    Find Location from Phone Number

    MLocator finds the location of your device merely with an associated phone number.

  • icon-secure payment

    Secure Payment

    Pay for the service by credit card to view your device's location.

  • icon-receive location

    Receive Location Details

    The location and other details will be displayed on a map. The result will be sent to your mailbox simultaneously.

An Almighty Phone Number Locator to Find Accurate Locations

  • 01/4

    Find a Person's Location by Phone Number

    To find a person's location by phone number, MLocator is one of the best choices. Just enter the phone number of the person you want to find to activate the locating service. Whether you wish to keep track of your friends or family members' whereabouts or ensure your kids or elder's safety, MLocator can fulfill your needs.
    Find a Person's Location by Phone Number
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    Find Locations of Lost Phones & Portable Gadgets

    Losing phones or other portable gadgets can be irritating, especially if these mobile devices store precious memories or essential information and privacy. Worry no more, MLocator helps you find locations of lost phones and mobile devices by tracing the associated phone number. Whether you want to recover your lost iPhones, Android Phones, tablets, smartwatches, etc., you can start searching via MLocator.
    Find Locations of Lost Phones & Portable Gadgets
  • 03/4

    Find Address by Phone Number

    This online Phone Tracker allows users to type in phone number and find the location of the person who owns that number. Various locations can be identified as work addresses, residential addresses, school addresses, etc. Address lookup by phone number is easy, secure and efficient on MLocator.
    Find Address by Phone Number
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    Location Sharing by Phone Number

    Location sharing by phone number on MLocator can prove to be robust even under poor internet connectivity. The platform exploits advanced GPS services and hybrid algorithms to determine accurate locations. Users can share real-time location via MLocator when the network is weak or even unavailable.
    Location Sharing by Phone Number
  • icon-worldwide location tracking

    Worldwide Location Determination

    MLocator expands the location determination to every country in the world. Enter the phone number in international format and you can start global locating.
  • icon-full time support

    Full-Time Support & Accessibility

    Our application and support teams provide users with 24x7 access and support and aim to clear all obstacles for you.
  • icon-confidential location process

    Confidential Location Process

    User privacy is prioritized. All the data during the locating process will be kept confidential and erased once users exit the application.

Frequently Asked Questions


How to find someone's location by phone number?

Finding someone's location by phone number on MLocator only needs a few clicks and you can do this on a computer, a tablet or a phone. First, gather the phone number you need to track and visit MLocator's website. Second, enter the phone number in the search box to activate the locating service. Third, wait for the locating process to be finished. Last, pay for the service and view the location of the target person.


Can I find the real-time location by phone number?


Can I find the address and other details with a phone number?


Can I find the location without a phone number?

Locate a mobile phone
try it now
Do you want to know the location of your mobile phone or that of someone close to you? Our mobile geolocation system is legal, secure, and works with all phones.